Posted by Paul Gross, President-elect
Club Assembly on July 5
I am back from the International Convention and feeling a bit tired but also energized! I now understand why the club sends Presidents-elect to the Convention. The magnitude of Rotary, the scope of its reach is hard to comprehend until you see over 40,000 Rotarians from all over the world. I listened and learned, there were many talented presenters and educational breakout sessions.  It was quite an experience!
I am excited about my term as your President. We have a great club that my predecessors have worked hard on building to the level we are at.  I think it’s important that we as a club evolve and grow and are able to look into the future so there is a vibrant club 10 and 20 years from now.
Our Club Assembly is scheduled for the July 5th meeting, as tradition dictates we would like the committee chairs to speak briefly on what projects or events they are lining up for the year. I think it’s important we get involvement from the club so be prepared as a panel to take questions from the club.
If there are multiple chairs to a committee please meet in person or by phone to do some advanced planning ahead of this meeting.