Letter from the President
Fellow Rotarians,
I am honored to be your President of such a great organization called the Rotary Club of Woodland Hills. You should all be congratulated for your efforts last year when we accomplished so much under the leadership of our new Past President Michelle Rodriguez. During Michelle’s year we increased our membership which is a result of all the good work we do. Actual donations to causes increased and we individually participated in more hands-on projects then in previous years. We began to partner with other clubs and the district to increase the impact of a Rotary principal being People of Action. We collaborated with many nonprofits and organizations to fulfill our motto of Service Above Self. We moved! We started work on a district reverse global grant! We started sustainable programs that give us opportunities to be of service! We adopted 3 senior centers! We gave students needed support through our scholarship programs! We did Cards from Kids! Thank you for your commitment to help make our club a bright star in our community.
Let us continue to practice magic of Service Above Self and become shooting stars in the theme of 2024-2025 Rotary International: The Magic of Rotary.
Sandy’s 4 Way Test:
- Rotary is H.O.P.E. is my 2024-2025 theme. Helping Other People Everyday. It has been over 50 years since I made the very smart move to Los Angeles. I have adopted a mantra of grab a friend and give 50 minutes of service. It is a simple ask: You pick the time frame, daily, weekly, monthly as we can always get more done with a little help from others: Our new District Governor Albert Hernandez says: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work. The Woodland Hills Rotary Team can make a difference in the community and the world this year and in the future.
- Lots of changes are coming this year. Our 2024-2025 club meetings will move to a fabulous new venue starting on July 10 at Pinstripes at the Topanga Mall. Our live meetings will continue to be available on zoom as well, and are scheduled from 11:50am to 1:15pm . All our events/projects will be planned further in advance so you can get your calendars in order and participate in everything our club offers. Please join in with our Avenues of Service chairpersons so we can increase our participation rate maybe 50 minutes at a time! Your new Rotary Board will guide us through the year so that it will be beneficial to all.
- Senior Services and Veteran Services are new committees that we can all get involved with as the need is great and the numbers of people who need a hand is increasing every year. Everyone’s input and feedback will make these categories successful and sustainable.
- I look forward to seeing and hearing from you all in this year. Rotary is H.O.P.E. and I Hope you will join me on our new adventure.
Oh, I forgot …. Let’s have fun!
Service Above Self
Sandy Rosenholz
President Rotary Club of Woodland Hills 2024-2025
Mobile: 818-359-2125